星期三, 12月 20, 2006


在摩門經中, 你可以經常見到一句詞語, 那就是"在不信中衰落".若從字的表面上看, 則可以簡單地解釋為由於不相信或缺乏信心而令到自己,別人甚或整個民族民化沒落. 但若你是看英文版經文, 你會發現英文是Dwindle in unbelief. 若從英文翻譯出來, 則仍是在不信中衰落. 但卻多了一重層次的解說. 查考dwindle的意思, 你會得到"慢慢地減少"的意思. 意即尼腓人的衰落,是在一個不太快的情況下出現, 並不是一朝一夕的事. 這便配合了經文中談論到萬事均由微少的事情開始. 這裡我們可以學到要小心所有會令我們失去對神的信心的事情. 因為一件小事情是可以有很大的影響.

4 則留言:

Benjamin 說...

This is the first time I read your blog. This is really good, I like it a lots. Thanks for it. You're great example, keep up the good work. Keep it roll'n!

Man in the moon 說...

Hey, i don't expect to have any comments from anyone. Thanks for your golden comment!!

I will try to keep posting new things once for a short period.

by the way, the name, Tamura, is really cool!!

Benjamin 說...

Tamura is the name of one of the gocery stores I used to shop at in Hawaii. They have cheap food. I just read your message on the blog too. Are you feeling alright? May be this is too late to say that. But we really care for you, for your welfare and everything... You know... we are men, we just express it in a different way. Hope you are doing well. I will pray for you.

Man in the moon 說...

I am feeling better now. thanks for caring me. I guess life is just like that, you will have the high time and the low time as well. The workload from my past calling and an unconsidered leader really got me. Anyway, i have learned something by experienced something.